Alright, you're in!
Here's what to do:
If you're new to us, you'll first need to click the link in the confirmation email with the subject "Please confirm your...".
Then look for your "Welcome to the Challenge!" email. If you don't see it soon, be sure to check your spam folders.
BUT, if you're ready for a harder Challenge...
Upgrade to the Advanced Challenge Extension $37

Get coaching on more advanced material for competitors or those who are looking for a harder challenge
NEW: Extended access to all Challenge videos
- Access for 7 more days after the free Challenge ends
Bonus: You Gotta Groove Workshop
- A full-length recorded workshop on body pulse & solo grooves (price = $35.00 FREE with this lab upgrade)
LIVE coaching session
- Join us on Zoom to get LIVE feedback
- Recorded and emailed exclusively to the Lab participants
Extra, next-level homework challenges and feedback
- Get access to harder movement skills and variations delivered on Day 6 & 7 (after your 5 days of free Challenge homework)
- Personal feedback provided to those who post in the Micro-Musicality Challenge Facebook group
Don't want to take your musicality to the next level? No worries.
Click here to finish your registration.
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