Welcome to the Partner Spinning Lab!
This page is where you can find all your Lab content. More will be added each day of the Challenge.
Remember, the Challenge and the Lab are temporary - so DO the drills NOW, don't wait!

Add to your Benchmark video
Remember the Benchmark video from the Pre-Challenge Prep? It would be a REALLY good idea to add a skater spin to that video, just so you can document your "before" skills so you can compare them to your "after" skills next week!
How to get feedback on your partner spinning
We'll be giving you a few additional drills here to practice with a partner. If you POST your work-in-progress on these drills in the Challenge Facebook group, we will provide feedback either via comments or sending you a direct message with a link to a short feedback video. No post = no feedback!
Use the same posting guidelines as in the Challenge. but tag your posts with: #PartnerSpinningLabDay1 (or whatever Day it's for)
Lab Day 1
Follower's Prep, Placement, & Timing
This 5:30min video is for leaders and followers to prepare independently the setup for the skater spins we will be discussing in the LIVE Zoom call tomorrow.
Lab Day 1 Homework
Lab Drill #1: (solo) Follower does walk, walk, prep & self-turn
- Place a shoe on the ground to represent the leader's right foot as a marker
- Practice placement and timing of your right foot, and stopping further travel down the slot while spinning.
- Don't worry about the quality of the prep or spin. The Challenge drills will address these.
Lab Drill #2: As above, but prep off the leader (or a wall if solo)
- Leader should not lead the prep or turn
- Follower generates their own rotational spring by torquing off the leader's hand. Then "lock arm in position" after releasing the prep.
- POST VIDEO: Only about 15 seconds (or 3-4 reps) of Drill #2 only. Tag it with #PartnerSpinningLabDay1
Lab Day 2
Fundamentals for Skater Spins
This is the recording of the first of two live Zoom sessions. 1h05min.
Lab Day 2 Homework
Lab Drill #3: Basic partner pirouettes, focusing on responsive endings
Leader sets up the pirouette pattern and adjusts to follower's spacing and timing. Follower establishes a decadent prep and protects space helmet. Both use "pedalling" techniques to spin at least 2 rotations at medium speed. Then be attentive to when balance is starting to fail.
- Practice Leader initiating ending with wrap/seatbelt
- Practice Follower initiating ending with rib catch & frame expansion
Post: 3 reps of each of type of ending. Tag it with #PartnerSpinningLabDay2
The Feedback Guide video is now available for Day 2! We'll send it to you directly once you post your homework!
Lab Day 4
Followers' Refinements
The following short tutorial videos (3:00 and 4:30) offer followers more options for endings and free foot positions.
Remember, for more feedback & refinements on the leading of the skater spins, upload your practice video from Day 2's homework and we'll DM you the Feedback Guide video that is full of these juicy tips!
Lab Day 4 Homework
Lab Drill #4: As many rotations of a skater spin as you can manage:
- at medium speed
- using the feedback from Day 2
- PLUS ending by spitting in different directions
Post 3 reps
Lab Drill #5: As many rotations of a skater spin as you can manage:
During each of these, practice at least two different positions:
- Passe - knee turned out
- Attitude
- Coupe position - Knee straight
Post: 2 reps of each choice.
Tag it with #PartnerSpinningLabDay4
Prepare for your second Zoom Session on Thursday
Check your email for the Zoom link we'll send you on Thursday.
Remember, this is a partner session, and it is NOT for beginners - we will not be catching anyone up during the session. Please catch up on all the material above before showing up to the session.
It's ideal to attend live, so you can get feedback immediately in the moment! But if you can't make it, check back here to find the recording.
Lab Day 6
Taking it to the next level with shaping & transitions
This is the recording of the second of two live Zoom sessions. 58min.
Lab Day 6 Homework
Lab Drill #6: Grooving endings (Post all 3)
- Leader initiates
- Follower initiates
- Follower initiates paddle turn exit (with or without post first)
Lab Drill #7: Shoulder catch & run around
- Leader initiates, transitioning to any pattern flow
Lab Drill #8: Follower's Off-Axis Variations (optional upgrade)
- Attitude position
- Side arc to left
- Switching to left foot: Ronde to walk out, Ronde to hook behind, Skater position
Tag your post with #PartnerSpinningLabDay6 and #spinabilitychallenge
Get feedback
Post your Day 6 homework by Saturday 11:59pm PST to get feedback on these Day 6 drills!
We'll leave this page up until the end of the weekend if you want to catch up or review.
When you film your Day 7 Benchmark video...
Be sure to include your favourite skater spins, so you can compare your progress this week!