Rock the reception or sway your own way!

Start now to prepare!

You've planned all the other aspects of the event down to the tiniest detail. Everything is going to be perfect, exactly as you've dreamed. Why not make your first dance dreamy too? 

Learn to dance now, so when the big day comes, you will feel prepared and confident and relaxed as you sway elegantly with your partner in front of your friends and family.

Dance lessons are something that need to be planned in advance, like booking the DJ and ordering the cake.

They are a great way for the two of you to spend time together learning something new, or to bring the families and wedding party together.

Even if you have no dance experience whatsoever, we can give you the basic skills and moves to look competent and confident on the floor. Your friends and family will be impressed to tears!

What's possible

We'll help you choose a dance style

There are several dance styles to choose from! Swing, NightClub TwoStep, Waltz, are just a few of the favourites. many couples choose a style that they are interested in continuing to learn and dance as a hobby even after the wedding.

The style you choose to learn depends on several variables: your previous dance experience, your preferred music, your planned reception attire, the amount of time you plan in advance... the list goes on!

We'll help you choose the ideal style for you and design a custom package for you in a free consultation.

This couple had already been dancing a little bit of West Coast Swing when they got engaged, then learned this choreography.

This couple already new how to dance but prepared this NightClub TwoStep freestyle for their first dance.

Here's one of our wedding couples practicing NightClub TwoStep on their 4th ever lesson. 

We can teach you a little choreographed routine, if that's what you have your heart set on and you have lots of time to prepare.

But in our experience, most couples who don't have a lot of dance experience find that this adds more stress to their big day.

Our solution? We'll teach you a small repertoire of interchangeable moves that look good no matter what order you do them in. This way there's nothing to memorize and you'll be able to have more fun in the moment. 

We'll also coach you how to make your entrance, present a few key dips & tricks that the photographer will love, and finish your dance with grace and pride.

Sounds ideal, right? Let's get started!

Book a free consultation

Let's discuss your needs, vision, and availability
so we can design a custom wedding dance lesson package just for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

We have a song we consider "our song" can you teach us to dance to that?

Yes, depending on what the song is. The genre of song will determine which dance we teach you, so we can discuss this in your consultation. We can also edit your song to make it shorter, longer, faster, or slower. If your song is not good for dancing, you can always use it for the bridal procession or during a slideshow and pick a different song to actually dance to.

How much time do we need to plan to take the lessons?

95% of couples say they wish they had planned to start their dance lessons sooner. Give yourself at least 6-8 weeks of lead time before the wedding date. You'll want to take one or two lessons per week, (and remember to practice between lessons). Then, if you have to reschedule a lesson, you won't run out of time. We can discuss when to start and scheduling in your consultation.

How many lessons will we need?

In our experience, most couples only start to feel really comfortable and confident with their dance after 5 or 6 lessons. Couples who only take one lesson are usually those who have already learned how to dance elsewhere and they just need a tune up or a few new moves for the photographer.  We can discuss how many lessons would be needed in your consultation.

Can we involve our parents or bridal party?

Sure! This is something we can discuss in your consultation.

What can we expect in our lessons?

The studio is casual and modern. There will be several other dancers in the studio taking their own private lessons with other teachers. There will be music playing intermittently. Each lesson we will:

  • Get you moving to the music and teach you how to move together as a partnership. 
  • Build up your skills to feel confident with a small collection of patterns that are interchangeable so you never need to worry about memorizing choreography.
  • Plan details like escorting each other onto the floor, and dipping, twirling, and posing for photos.
  • Give you "homework" on a video to practice together at home

After each lesson, you are welcome and encouraged to stay and practice. Each lesson we will review and build on skills, so by the time of the wedding you will feel confident, relaxed, and ready for your big reveal.

Book a free consultation

Get started ASAP, so you have lots of time to practice and can avoid additional stress of "cramming" at the last minute!

You're in great hands!

Hi, we're Myles Munroe and Tessa Cunningham Munroe. Partners for 20 years and married for 10, we have over 50 years of combined experience in dance and dance teaching. 

Myles has an extensive background in solo stage dances, Ballroom, Latin, Country, Salsa, and all the Swing dances.
Tessa is a teaching specialist with a kinesiology, coaching, and education background.

Together, we are Canadian champions of a Swing dance called West Coast Swing, and while we are based in Vancouver, we tour globally teaching, performing, judging, and training teachers, and offer online dance training programs at

We live in Burnaby and are the principal teachers of West Coast Swing classes at SwingSoul Sundays in the new DanceVancouver studio.

We and our parents danced NightClub TwoStep at our wedding in 2012.